Dr. Usman Pakaya, S.S., M.A (0004057705)
Haris Danial, S.Pd., M.A (0027019005)
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Sonia Nurkamiden. 2023. NIM 321416177. Maxim of persuasive in Joe Biden’s Politics Speeches. Skripsi. English Language Education Study Programme, Letter and Culture Faculty, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Dr. Usman Pakaya, S.S., M.A. (2) Haris Danial, S.Pd., M.A. The study is conducted to analyze the flouting maxims in “Joe Biden’s Politics Speeches” which shows the flouting maxims phenomena occurring while he persuade the audience. the researcher seeks to formulate the information into a form of a question ”How are flouting Maxim of persuasive used in Joe Biden’s Politics Speeches?”. Using qualitative method, the data were collected through the observation, and the data were classified based on the type flouting maxim of cooperative principle by Paul Grice (1975). This study reveals that flouting maxims are applied in the speeches. There were 32 data which considered as flouting maxim, and the most flouted is maxim of quality. From the flouting maxims uttered by the speaker, it could be concluded that Joe Biden used some floating maxim in his speeches either in purpose or not. In analyzing Joe Biden's speeches, it can be observed that he occasionally utilizes the floating maxim of quality and the floating maxim of manner to enhance his message, engage the audience, and establish rapport. By employing optimistic statements that may not strictly adhere to literal truth or injecting humor and wit into his remarks, Biden aims to convey a positive and relatable image. While the floating maxim of relation used as the way of Biden in strengthen his background or to evoke emotional responses from the audience. By introducing personal stories, narratives, or relatable experiences, they aim to create a connection or empathy with the listeners. While floating maxim of quantity is not a recognized term, but when Biden makes promises without providing explanations and detailed evidence, it can give the impression of incomplete information. Keywords: Pragmatic, Cooperative principle, Flouting Maxim, Persuasive Speeches.