Siti Nadira Pua. 321418115. 2023. “An Analysis of Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Academic Writing”. Skripsi. English Language Education Study Program. Faculty of Letter and Culture. State Univertsity of Gorontalo. Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Fatsah, M.Hum (2) Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim, S.Pd., M..Ed., Ph.D In order to achieve effective writing lessons, it is necessary to apply a variety of strategies. The application variety of strategies in classrooms is critical because it can gain students’ interest in learning, strategies help students connect, participate, and add excitement to the material being delivered. With so many strategies that exist, the teacher must also know which strategy that appropriate to apply in the learning environment. Thus, in this case, student perception plays an equally important role. In teaching and learning activity students have different perceptions about the teachers’ strategies in teaching writing. So, the purpose of this research is to find out how students perceive the strategies used by teachers in teaching academic writing. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data was gathered through observation and interviews. The participants in this research were students from class A in 2021 academic year, with a total of 13 students. The result of this research showed that the students gave positive perceptions about the strategies that the teachers used in teaching academic writing such are students were good with the material presented by the teacher, they felt comfortable and interested in the teachers’ strategies, they were also more trained with the assignment, and they felt good and enough with the strategies that the teachers used in their classroom. Keywords: Students’ Perception, Teachers’ Strategy, Academic Writing