Erni Mohamad, S.Pd., M.Si. (0012086901)
Ahmad Kadir Kilo, S.Pd., M.Si. (0024029101)
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SRI MAHARANI PATEDA. 2023. Physicochemical Characteristics of Clean Water in Clean Water at the Installation of Clean Water Management at Gorontalo Regional Water Utility Company (PDAM). Undergraduate Thesis. Chemistry Study Program. The Principal Supervisor: Erni Mohamad, S.Pd., M.Si. and The Co-Supervisor: Ahmad Kadir Kilo, S.Pd., M.Si. This study aims to determine the quality of water at the installation of clean water management at gorontalo regional water utility company (PDAM) based on physical and chemical tests. The results are then compared with clean water quality standards based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health (PERMENKES) No. 2 of 2023 and the Regulation of the Minister of Environment (PERMEN LH) No. 82 of 2001. The objects of research are raw water, processed water, and distribution water at Tanggilingo Water Treatment Plant and Bulotadaa Water Treatment Plant. The method applied is the physical water measurement methods includes turbidity, TDS, and odor. Water chemistry measurement methods includes pH, nitrate, nitrite, cadmium, and copper. The results of the research show that the water quality in both installations does and does not meet clean water quality standards. The physical parameters that do not comply with quality standards are the TDS parameters in all samples, namely 431 mg/L, 453 mg/L, 438 mg/L, 472 mg/L, 471 mg/L, and 474 mg/L with quality standards of <300 mg/L. Meanwhile, the turbidity parameters in raw water and processed water at Bulotadaa Water Treatment Plant and raw water at Tanggilingo Water Treatment Plant are in chronological order of 9.83 NTU, 3.38 NTU, and 3.78 NTU with the quality standard of <3 NTU. Chemical parameters for pH range from 8.22-8.28, which is still within the quality standard range 6.5 - 8.5. Moreover, nitrate levels in both installations ranged from 0.7391 mg/L - 0.7675 mg/L, with the nitrite levels of 0.0099 mg/L to 0.0153 mg/L that is still below quality standards. The parameters that have exceeded quality standards are cadmium (Cd) in the sample at Bulotadaa Water Treatment Plant of processed water 0.0116 mg/L and at Tanggilingo Water Treatment Plant of raw water: 0.0143 mg/L with a quality standard of 0.01 mg/L. Meanwhile, the concentration of copper (Cu) in samples at Bulotadaa Water Treatment Plant of processed water is 0.0601 mg/L with a quality standard of 0.02 mg/L. Keywords: Water Quality, Water Physicochemistry, Clean Water, Regional Water Utility Company.