Wirda Djafar. 2023. NIM 321417076. Metaphor in Sam Smith’s song lyrics: ‘The thrill of it all’ album. Department of English. Faculty of Letters and Cultures, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Skripsi. Principal Advisors Prof. Dr. Kartin Lihawa, M.Pd., and Dr. Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako, S.S., M.Hum. This study aimed to find out the types of metaphor used in Sam Smith’s Song Lyrics, especially in the thrill of it all album. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, the data collection process involved through reading and analysis of the selected songs and employed content analysis as the primary methodology to analyze the collected data. In Analysis used the semantics approach, and conceptual metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson theory. Based on theory the finding of this research shows 24 contains metaphor, such as 7 structural metaphor, 4 orientational metaphor, and 13 ontological metaphor. In sum, Sam Smith’s as the songwriter used the metaphor to make the lyrics more dramatics so that his listener and reader can related with it. The lyrics also contained comparison which it is indirect target meaning, but it makes the lyric have mysterious meaning and more aesthetics. Also, in his lyric Sam Smith convey his songs more tragic condition in metaphor, so that the listener and reader can imagine how the condition and situation at that moments. By examining the metaphor, readers, including students, educators, and future researchers, can gain deeper knowledge regarding the utilization of metaphors, specifically, the ones proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. Keywords: Song, Sam Smith, Structural Metaphor, Orientational Metaphor, Ontological Metaphor.